Salary Calculations for Central Govt Employees: Is your basic pay Rs 24,900, Rs 51,500, Rs 70,000, or Rs 1,01,400? Know what can be your total salary?

Monthly Salary Calculations: The salary of central government employees is calculated on the basis of their dearness allowance (DA), travel allowance (TA), and house rent allowance (HRA). Employees with the same basic salaries may get different total salaries depending on the city that they are staying in.

ZeeBiz WebTeam | Feb 25, 2025, 04:43 PM IST

Monthly Salary Calculations: Central and state government employees get their salaries on the basis of their pay scale and grade pay. But we can often see that employees in the same pay scale and grade pay are getting different salaries in different cities/states. The reason is that the total salary is calculated on the basis of their dearness allowance (DA), travel allowance (TA), and house rent allowance (HRA). Their HRA and TA may change from one city to another. In this write-up, know how the salary of a central government employee is calculated, why they may get different salaries on the same pay scale or grade pay, and what their total salary can be if their basic salary is Rs 24,900, Rs 42,300 (Level 1), Rs 35,000, Rs 51,500 (Level 3), Rs 52,000, Rs 70,000 (Level 7), and Rs 71,100 and Rs 101,400 (Level 10).
Photos: Unsplash/Pixabay/Pexels


7th Pay Commission: Pay band for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: Pay band for central government employees

Pay band is the basic pay/salary for central government employees. The pay band is decided on the basis of an employee's rank, responsibility, location, education, and a few other factors.


7th Pay Commission: Grade Pay for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: Grade Pay for central government employees

For every pay band, there is a grade pay. The grade pay is included in the basic pay for every employee to calculate the total salary. Since there are 18 pay bands, there are as many grade pays.


7th Pay Commission: Dearness allowance (DA) for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: Dearness allowance (DA) for central government employees

DA is an amount given to government employees to adjust income to rising prices (inflation).
DA is revised every six months.
Its calculation is on the basis of the All India Consumer Price Index (AICPI) with 2001 as the base year.
For central government employees, the DA percentage remains the same throughout India.
However, for employees from different states, it can be different.


7th Pay Commission: Travel allowance (TA) for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: Travel allowance (TA) for central government employees

Central government employees also get TA for official travel. They may get bus, train, airfare for it.
It depends on the pay band and the city the employee is posted in.
Minimum and maximum TA limits for them are Rs 900 and Rs 15,750.
On the other hand, if an employee gets an official transport vehicle, they are not eligible for TA.



7th Pay Commission: House rent allowance (HRA) for central government employees

7th Pay Commission: House rent allowance (HRA) for central government employees

Government employees get HRA as part of their salary.
The HRA depends on the city that the employee resides in. There are 3 categories for cities, for which HRA limits are different.
Class X cities- With a population of more than 50 lakh
Class Y cities- With a population between 5 lakh and 50 lakh
Class Z cities- With a population less than 5 lakh


Monthly salary calculations for story

Monthly salary calculations for story

We will calculate the total salary for pay bands of Rs 24,900, 42,300 (Level 1), Rs 35,000, Rs 51,500 (Level 3), Rs 52,000, Rs 70,000 (Level 7), and Rs 71,100 and Rs 101,400 (Level 10). We are taking New Delhi as the city for TA and HRA.



Total monthly salary for Rs 24,900 pay band (Level 1)

Total monthly salary for Rs 24,900 pay band (Level 1)

Basic pay- Rs 24,900
HRA- Rs 5,976
DA- Rs 4,233
TA- Rs 1,580
Total pay- 36,689


Total monthly salary for Rs 42,300 pay band (Level 1)

Total monthly salary for Rs 42,300 pay band (Level 1)

Basic pay- Rs 42,300
HRA- Rs 10,152
DA- Rs 7,191
TA- Rs 1,580
Total pay- Rs 61,223



Total monthly salary for Rs 35,000 pay band (Level 3)

Total monthly salary for Rs 35,000 pay band (Level 3)

Basic pay- Rs 35,000
HRA- Rs 8,$00
DA- Rs 5,950
TA- Rs 4,212
Total pay- 53,562


Total monthly salary for Rs 51,500 pay band (Level 3)

Total monthly salary for Rs 51,500 pay band (Level 3)

Basic pay- Rs 51,500
HRA- Rs 12,360
DA- Rs 8,755
TA- Rs 4,212
Total pay- Rs 76,827


Total monthly salary for Rs 52,000 pay band (Level 7)

Total monthly salary for Rs 52,000 pay band (Level 7)

Basic pay- Rs 52,000
HRA- Rs 12,480
DA- Rs 7,840
TA- Rs 4,212
Total pay- Rs 77,532


Total monthly salary for Rs 70,000 pay band (Level 7)

Total monthly salary for Rs 70,000 pay band (Level 7)

Basic pay- Rs 70,000
HRA- Rs 16,800
DA- Rs 11,900
TA- Rs 4,212
Total pay- 1,02,912


Total monthly salary for Rs 71,100 pay band (Level 10)

Total monthly salary for Rs 71,100 pay band (Level 10)

Basic pay- Rs 71,100
HRA- Rs 17,064
DA- Rs 12,087
TA- Rs 8,424
Total pay- 1,08,675


Total monthly salary for Rs 1,01,400 pay band (Level 10)

Total monthly salary for Rs 1,01,400 pay band (Level 10)

Basic pay- Rs 1,01,400
HRA- Rs 24,336
DA- Rs 17,238
TA- Rs 8,424
Total pay- 1,51,398

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